| Joel Rohr
Yoel (aka Joel) Rohr was born in Lwow, Poland, on September 13, 1912, and died in California in 1998. He moved to Israel in 1946 and was a member of Kibbutz Kfar Menachem until 1968, when he moved to Yamin Moshe in Jerusalem. During his journey through life, he had many ups and down, accomplishments and failures. His wife, Etta, was always there for encouragement, friendship and support. Although the intent of this web site is to honor Yoel and display his work, and I am certain that's the way Etta would prefer, it would not be fair to recognize him without her. Therefore, I am dedicating this site to both of them, for if there is a hereafter, they are together. R.I.P...
Time permitting I will add pictures. If you have any of Yoel’s works in your collection, please send me a copy and I will add it to this web page.
P.S. This web page started because my son wanted to know more about his great uncle, the artist. My wife provided the encouragement and my daughter helped with the pictures. For all the Rohrs have done for me and my brother, I thought it would be appropriate for the world to know about Yoel and Etta Rohr.
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